DEBUG: Cache is NOT active
DEBUG: try to retieve this url:
DEBUG: wp_remote_get to
DEBUG: arguments: Array
[timeout] => 5
DEBUG: success getting URL
DEBUG: api-answer:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: basenode: level1
DEBUG: template:
LEAVE function checkType // depth: 1 // result: Very good, this is the value of 'start', right out of the JSON-data<br />This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array<br />id: 11111<br />This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array<br />id: 222<br />This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array<br />id: 33333333<br />This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array<br />id: 4444<br />
// returnHTMLinsideProc: This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array
id: 4444
DEBUG: result:
Very good, this is the value of 'start', right out of the JSON-data
This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array
id: 11111
This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array
id: 222
This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array
id: 33333333
This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array
id: 4444